Friday, January 02, 2009

"The Worst Day" by Honey Bee

Once there was a boy named Joseph and he had the worst day anyone that he knew ever had. It was on his birthday. He had got nothing, not one thing. He only got a piece of birthday cake and go to invite one friend over. But he invited all of his friends and there was 10,000 of them there. They could not get cake, only punch. So they left. Joseph was very sad. He cried for the rest of the year and it was only the first day of January. He cried for 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes or 31,536,000 seconds. He even cried at school. They wanted him to stop, but he cried so loud that he could not hear them. They said it 24 times, but he still could not hear them.

The End.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good story, Honey Bee. Did Joseph get his clothes wet? Did they use his tears to water the platns? I guess they would be too salty.

Keep up the story telling.